ORP Orzeł (1962)

ORP Orzeł a Polish Navy submarine of the Project 613 (Whiskey-class) . She was built in the Soviet Union and was commissioned by the Polish Navy in 1962. She served under the code designation 292 (317 for a brief period) and was decommissioned in 1983. In 1968, during Warsaw Pact fleet exercise on Barents Sea, together with the other Polish submarine ORP Kondor, she avoided detection by huge Soviet and East Germany ASW forces, consisting 300 ships - including nuclear submarines - and about 500 aircraft, and unnoticed entered into the biggest Soviet naval base in Murmansk. A year later, guided by radio-guidance from Poland, Orzeł intercepted on North Sea the Soviet Sverdlov class cruiser and torpedoed her by dummy torpedoes. In implementing the Warsaw Pact's Cold War strategy, she also led

ORP Orzeł (1962)

ORP Orzeł a Polish Navy submarine of the Project 613 (Whiskey-class) . She was built in the Soviet Union and was commissioned by the Polish Navy in 1962. She served under the code designation 292 (317 for a brief period) and was decommissioned in 1983. In 1968, during Warsaw Pact fleet exercise on Barents Sea, together with the other Polish submarine ORP Kondor, she avoided detection by huge Soviet and East Germany ASW forces, consisting 300 ships - including nuclear submarines - and about 500 aircraft, and unnoticed entered into the biggest Soviet naval base in Murmansk. A year later, guided by radio-guidance from Poland, Orzeł intercepted on North Sea the Soviet Sverdlov class cruiser and torpedoed her by dummy torpedoes. In implementing the Warsaw Pact's Cold War strategy, she also led