OTs-02 Kiparis

The OTs-02 Kiparis (ОЦ-02 Кипарис, Russian for "cypress") submachine gun was designed by the TsKIB SOO design bureau of Tula during the early 1970s but was not introduced into service until 1991. It is primarily intended for internal security and police units, it was adopted by the Russian police and MVD (Internal Affairs Ministry).

OTs-02 Kiparis

The OTs-02 Kiparis (ОЦ-02 Кипарис, Russian for "cypress") submachine gun was designed by the TsKIB SOO design bureau of Tula during the early 1970s but was not introduced into service until 1991. It is primarily intended for internal security and police units, it was adopted by the Russian police and MVD (Internal Affairs Ministry).