Offspring (Angel)

"Offspring" is episode 7 of season 3 in the television show Angel. Written by David Greenwalt and directed by Turi Meyer, it was original broadcast on November 5, 2001 on the WB television network. While Angel and the crew research a prophecy predicting the imminent arrival of a being who may have a profound impact on the world, Darla, pregnant and angry, arrives at the hotel looking for Angel. Baffled by Darla’s condition, Angel turns to Lorne for some insight on this situation while Darla gets a sympathetic ear from Cordelia, who forgets in her compassion that Darla is still very evil, while Angel struggles to discover the nature of his unborn child.

Offspring (Angel)

"Offspring" is episode 7 of season 3 in the television show Angel. Written by David Greenwalt and directed by Turi Meyer, it was original broadcast on November 5, 2001 on the WB television network. While Angel and the crew research a prophecy predicting the imminent arrival of a being who may have a profound impact on the world, Darla, pregnant and angry, arrives at the hotel looking for Angel. Baffled by Darla’s condition, Angel turns to Lorne for some insight on this situation while Darla gets a sympathetic ear from Cordelia, who forgets in her compassion that Darla is still very evil, while Angel struggles to discover the nature of his unborn child.