
Ogrons are a fictional extraterrestrial race from the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. Ogrons are low-intelligence, ape-like hominids who live in scattered communities on an unnamed planet on the outer fringes of the Milky Way, far from the central spaceways. The dominant lifeform on their home planet is a giant slug-like lizard named the Eater, which preys on and is prayed to by the Ogrons.


Ogrons are a fictional extraterrestrial race from the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. Ogrons are low-intelligence, ape-like hominids who live in scattered communities on an unnamed planet on the outer fringes of the Milky Way, far from the central spaceways. The dominant lifeform on their home planet is a giant slug-like lizard named the Eater, which preys on and is prayed to by the Ogrons.