Olympic College

Olympic College is an urban-based, but rural- and urban-serving, 2-year public institution in Bremerton, in the U.S. state of Washington. Olympic College opened its doors as Olympic Junior College on September 5, 1946. The main building was located in Bremerton, Washington. They had 575 students (423 men and 152 women) and the tuition was $35 per quarter or students had the option to pay for three quarters in advanced for $75. The school motto is, "Cogita, Aspira, Aude, Perade (think, aspire, dare, achieve)."

Olympic College

Olympic College is an urban-based, but rural- and urban-serving, 2-year public institution in Bremerton, in the U.S. state of Washington. Olympic College opened its doors as Olympic Junior College on September 5, 1946. The main building was located in Bremerton, Washington. They had 575 students (423 men and 152 women) and the tuition was $35 per quarter or students had the option to pay for three quarters in advanced for $75. The school motto is, "Cogita, Aspira, Aude, Perade (think, aspire, dare, achieve)."