Olympic Corrections Center

The Olympic Corrections Center is located in Jefferson County, west of Olympic National Park. It is within the service area of the Forks, Washington, post office, even though it is not close to that city. It is a minimum security facility. Inmates there often work fighting forest fires during the summer, assisting the Department of Natural Resources in clearing and planting trees. The camp is located in Jefferson County, on Hoh Mainline Road north of Clearwater, Washington.

Olympic Corrections Center

The Olympic Corrections Center is located in Jefferson County, west of Olympic National Park. It is within the service area of the Forks, Washington, post office, even though it is not close to that city. It is a minimum security facility. Inmates there often work fighting forest fires during the summer, assisting the Department of Natural Resources in clearing and planting trees. The camp is located in Jefferson County, on Hoh Mainline Road north of Clearwater, Washington.