Open Threat Exchange

Open Threat Exchange (OTX) is the world's largest crowd-sourced computer-security platform with more than 26,000 participants in 140 countries who share more than one million potential threats daily. It's free to use. Founded in 2012, OTX was created and is run by AlienVault, a developer of commercial and open source solutions to manage cyber attacks. The collaborative threat exchange was created partly as a counterweight to criminal hackers successfully working together and sharing information about viruses, malware and other cyber attacks.

Open Threat Exchange

Open Threat Exchange (OTX) is the world's largest crowd-sourced computer-security platform with more than 26,000 participants in 140 countries who share more than one million potential threats daily. It's free to use. Founded in 2012, OTX was created and is run by AlienVault, a developer of commercial and open source solutions to manage cyber attacks. The collaborative threat exchange was created partly as a counterweight to criminal hackers successfully working together and sharing information about viruses, malware and other cyber attacks.