Operation Eagle Ares

Iraqi and U.S. Soldiers nabbed 46 men suspected of involvement with the al Qaeda network 12 July 2007 under the cover of darkness, east of Lutifiyah, Iraq. Troops of the 4th Brigade, Iraqi 6th Division and Soldiers of the 2nd Battalion, 15th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) out of Fort Drum, N.Y., air assaulted in the area, and then began searching reeds along canals for weapons caches. The detainees were taken to FOB Mahmudiyah for questioning.

Operation Eagle Ares

Iraqi and U.S. Soldiers nabbed 46 men suspected of involvement with the al Qaeda network 12 July 2007 under the cover of darkness, east of Lutifiyah, Iraq. Troops of the 4th Brigade, Iraqi 6th Division and Soldiers of the 2nd Battalion, 15th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) out of Fort Drum, N.Y., air assaulted in the area, and then began searching reeds along canals for weapons caches. The detainees were taken to FOB Mahmudiyah for questioning.