Option Canada

Option Canada was a Montreal-based lobby group established some eight weeks before the voting day of the 1995 Quebec referendum on sovereignty. According to registration papers filed with both the Canadian and Quebec governments, the private group was incorporated by executives of the Canadian Unity Council on September 7, 1995. The group was disbanded soon after the referendum was over. Continued investigation by former Radio-Canada journalist Normand Lester lead the revelation of a $4.8-million grant awarded to Option Canada by Heritage Canada.

Option Canada

Option Canada was a Montreal-based lobby group established some eight weeks before the voting day of the 1995 Quebec referendum on sovereignty. According to registration papers filed with both the Canadian and Quebec governments, the private group was incorporated by executives of the Canadian Unity Council on September 7, 1995. The group was disbanded soon after the referendum was over. Continued investigation by former Radio-Canada journalist Normand Lester lead the revelation of a $4.8-million grant awarded to Option Canada by Heritage Canada.