Ordinary Lies

Ordinary Lies is a British drama television series that was first broadcast on BBC One on 17 March 2015. The six-part first series, written by Danny Brocklehurst, is set in a car showroom. The executive producer is Nicola Shindler. The series was commissioned by Charlotte Moore for the BBC. Series 2 began filming on 21 March 2016 with an entirely new cast and setting.

Ordinary Lies

Ordinary Lies is a British drama television series that was first broadcast on BBC One on 17 March 2015. The six-part first series, written by Danny Brocklehurst, is set in a car showroom. The executive producer is Nicola Shindler. The series was commissioned by Charlotte Moore for the BBC. Series 2 began filming on 21 March 2016 with an entirely new cast and setting.