Orzocorre I of Arborea

Orzocorre I (also spelled Onroco or Orsocorre; perhaps born as Torbeno) was the Judge of Arborea from circa 1070 (at least by 1073) to circa 1100 and is the first ruler of Arborea about whom anything substantial is known. He was the founder of an Arborean dynasty which reigned until 1185. He succeeded Marianus I, about whose government nothing is known, though some presume that Orzocorre was his son. If true, this would make Orzocorre a member of the Thori family. He was married to Nivata (also Nibatta or Nigata) and had two sons, Torbeno and Orzocorre II, each of whom succeeded him in turn.

Orzocorre I of Arborea

Orzocorre I (also spelled Onroco or Orsocorre; perhaps born as Torbeno) was the Judge of Arborea from circa 1070 (at least by 1073) to circa 1100 and is the first ruler of Arborea about whom anything substantial is known. He was the founder of an Arborean dynasty which reigned until 1185. He succeeded Marianus I, about whose government nothing is known, though some presume that Orzocorre was his son. If true, this would make Orzocorre a member of the Thori family. He was married to Nivata (also Nibatta or Nigata) and had two sons, Torbeno and Orzocorre II, each of whom succeeded him in turn.