Ostoja coat of arms

Ostoja is a Polish coat of arms that origin from Sarmatian Tamga and refer to Royal Sarmatians using Draco standard. Following the end of the Roman Empire, in the Middle Ages it was used by Ostoja family in Lesser Poland and later also in Kujavia, Mazowsze and Greater Poland. It is a coat of arms of noble families that fought in the same military unit using battle cry Hostoja or Ostoja, and that applied their ancient heritage on the Coat of Arms, forming a Clan of knights. Later, when the Clan expanded their territory to Pomerania, Prussia, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania they also adopted a few noble families of Ruthenian origin that in 14-15th century settled down in Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine, finally turning into the Clan of Ostoja. As different lines of the clan formed surnames afte

Ostoja coat of arms

Ostoja is a Polish coat of arms that origin from Sarmatian Tamga and refer to Royal Sarmatians using Draco standard. Following the end of the Roman Empire, in the Middle Ages it was used by Ostoja family in Lesser Poland and later also in Kujavia, Mazowsze and Greater Poland. It is a coat of arms of noble families that fought in the same military unit using battle cry Hostoja or Ostoja, and that applied their ancient heritage on the Coat of Arms, forming a Clan of knights. Later, when the Clan expanded their territory to Pomerania, Prussia, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania they also adopted a few noble families of Ruthenian origin that in 14-15th century settled down in Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine, finally turning into the Clan of Ostoja. As different lines of the clan formed surnames afte