PLO in Lebanon

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) were based in Lebanon for a significant period of time (1960s-1982), using their set-up in the country to expand as an organization, gathering support and maintaining their armed struggle with Israel. Arguably, the Lebanon period was the most significant time in PLO's existence, both for reasons of political gain and international recognition – though it also involved a great deal of violence, displacement of civilians and economic instability. PLO were able to maintain a strong presence, particularly in Southern Lebanon for a number of years and at times were able to have a positive impact on the local population, but due to religious tensions and a confusion of structure were often the cause of dissatisfaction and fear amongst Lebanese citizens

PLO in Lebanon

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) were based in Lebanon for a significant period of time (1960s-1982), using their set-up in the country to expand as an organization, gathering support and maintaining their armed struggle with Israel. Arguably, the Lebanon period was the most significant time in PLO's existence, both for reasons of political gain and international recognition – though it also involved a great deal of violence, displacement of civilians and economic instability. PLO were able to maintain a strong presence, particularly in Southern Lebanon for a number of years and at times were able to have a positive impact on the local population, but due to religious tensions and a confusion of structure were often the cause of dissatisfaction and fear amongst Lebanese citizens