PTC Creo Elements/View

ProductView, now Creo Elements/View, was originally developed by Object Logic, a small company in San Diego. In September 1998, Division Group, another vendor of visualization tools based in Bristol UK, announced the planned acquisition of ObjectLogic. However, before this acquisition could be completed, PTC acquired Division Group in January 1999 for approximately $48 million in stock and cash. PTC then completed the acquisition of Object Logic in March, 1999. PTC then marketed products from both companies using the names ProductView and DIVISION. As of 2008, the latest release is version 9.1.

PTC Creo Elements/View

ProductView, now Creo Elements/View, was originally developed by Object Logic, a small company in San Diego. In September 1998, Division Group, another vendor of visualization tools based in Bristol UK, announced the planned acquisition of ObjectLogic. However, before this acquisition could be completed, PTC acquired Division Group in January 1999 for approximately $48 million in stock and cash. PTC then completed the acquisition of Object Logic in March, 1999. PTC then marketed products from both companies using the names ProductView and DIVISION. As of 2008, the latest release is version 9.1.