Paper and Packaging Board

The Paper and Packaging Board (P+PB), a commodity checkoff program overseen by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is self-funded through quarterly assessments paid by eligible manufacturers and importers of paper and paper-based packaging. The Paper and Packaging Board (P+PB) oversees the work of the Paper & Packaging – How Life Unfolds campaign designed to increase demand for paper and paper-based packaging.

Paper and Packaging Board

The Paper and Packaging Board (P+PB), a commodity checkoff program overseen by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is self-funded through quarterly assessments paid by eligible manufacturers and importers of paper and paper-based packaging. The Paper and Packaging Board (P+PB) oversees the work of the Paper & Packaging – How Life Unfolds campaign designed to increase demand for paper and paper-based packaging.