
A paperweight is a small solid object which is placed on top of books to keep the papers from blowing in the breeze. Paper, due to its light weight and large surface area, has a tendency to move easily when pushed by a slight breeze, which can create disorder on a work surface. Due to its greater density and compact shape relative to paper, a paperweight, when placed on top of one or more sheets of paper, will prevent the paper(s) from moving. The object need not be particularly heavy itself to perform its function. Any small object, such as a cup or a stone, can serve as a paperweight, but decorative objects have been created specifically for this purpose.


A paperweight is a small solid object which is placed on top of books to keep the papers from blowing in the breeze. Paper, due to its light weight and large surface area, has a tendency to move easily when pushed by a slight breeze, which can create disorder on a work surface. Due to its greater density and compact shape relative to paper, a paperweight, when placed on top of one or more sheets of paper, will prevent the paper(s) from moving. The object need not be particularly heavy itself to perform its function. Any small object, such as a cup or a stone, can serve as a paperweight, but decorative objects have been created specifically for this purpose.