Partial index

In databases, a partial index, also known as filtered index is an index which has some condition applied to it so that it includes a subset of rows in the table. This allows the index to remain small, even though the table may be rather large, and have extreme selectivity. Suppose you have a transaction table where entries start out with STATUS = 'A' (active), and then may pass through other statuses ('P' for pending, 'W' for "being worked on") before reaching a final status, 'F', at which point it is no longer likely to be processed again.

Partial index

In databases, a partial index, also known as filtered index is an index which has some condition applied to it so that it includes a subset of rows in the table. This allows the index to remain small, even though the table may be rather large, and have extreme selectivity. Suppose you have a transaction table where entries start out with STATUS = 'A' (active), and then may pass through other statuses ('P' for pending, 'W' for "being worked on") before reaching a final status, 'F', at which point it is no longer likely to be processed again.