Party of Democratic Revival of Ukraine

Party of Democratic Revival of Ukraine (PDVU) was a political party in 1990-96 that was created as an offshoot of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. In 1996 along with number of other parties, it merged into the People's Democratic Party. Both factions set out to transform Ukraine into a "democratic independent state with an effective market economy and social protection of citizens" defended "priority of human rights over the rights of any social and national community and the priority of people rights over the rights of the state".

Party of Democratic Revival of Ukraine

Party of Democratic Revival of Ukraine (PDVU) was a political party in 1990-96 that was created as an offshoot of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. In 1996 along with number of other parties, it merged into the People's Democratic Party. Both factions set out to transform Ukraine into a "democratic independent state with an effective market economy and social protection of citizens" defended "priority of human rights over the rights of any social and national community and the priority of people rights over the rights of the state".