Pashan Test Range

Pashan Test Range is an out-door testing and evaluating facility of Armament Research and Development Establishment for armament stores. It is located in outskirt of Pune near Pashan village and is spread over 150 acres of land surrounded by hills on three sides. The facilities at Pasan Test Range include the following: Since Pashan Test Range is located in the vicinity of a metropolitan city, it a limited trial facility and full range trial cannot be conducted here

Pashan Test Range

Pashan Test Range is an out-door testing and evaluating facility of Armament Research and Development Establishment for armament stores. It is located in outskirt of Pune near Pashan village and is spread over 150 acres of land surrounded by hills on three sides. The facilities at Pasan Test Range include the following: Since Pashan Test Range is located in the vicinity of a metropolitan city, it a limited trial facility and full range trial cannot be conducted here