Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection

The Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection (Serbian: Спомен-збирка Павла Бељанског, Spomen-zbirka Pavla Beljanskog) is a public art museum in Novi Sad, Serbia. It displays paintings and sculptures by 20th century Serbian and Yugoslav artists, mostly from the interwar period. The collection bears the name of its founder and contributor Pavle Beljanski, Serbian diplomat and art collector, who donated his collection of paintings, sculptures and tapestries to the Serbian people in November 1957. He continued to add works of art to this significant collection until his death. The collection consists of 185 works by 37 artists. The Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection was opened to the public on 22 October 1961.

Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection

The Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection (Serbian: Спомен-збирка Павла Бељанског, Spomen-zbirka Pavla Beljanskog) is a public art museum in Novi Sad, Serbia. It displays paintings and sculptures by 20th century Serbian and Yugoslav artists, mostly from the interwar period. The collection bears the name of its founder and contributor Pavle Beljanski, Serbian diplomat and art collector, who donated his collection of paintings, sculptures and tapestries to the Serbian people in November 1957. He continued to add works of art to this significant collection until his death. The collection consists of 185 works by 37 artists. The Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection was opened to the public on 22 October 1961.