Pawel Kwiek

Paweł Kwiek (born 1951 in Warsaw) – Polish contemporary artist, photographer, cinematographer, lighting director.Kwiek works with film, painting, photographic cycles and artistic actions. Participant in a wide array of exhibitions of Polish art in Poland and abroad. Author of theoretical texts about neoavant-garde art. Kwiek is also a poet and a performer. In 1973, Kwiek graduated from the Leon Schiller National Higher School of Film, Television and Theatre PWSFTviT in Łódź, Department of Direction of Photography and Television Production.Lecturer at the PWSTTviF in Łódź and the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (in 1977–1978), Head of the Photography Department of the newspaper ”Życie Warszawy” (1991). Lives and works in Warsaw.Affiliation: Polish Filmmakers Association, creative group Works

Pawel Kwiek

Paweł Kwiek (born 1951 in Warsaw) – Polish contemporary artist, photographer, cinematographer, lighting director.Kwiek works with film, painting, photographic cycles and artistic actions. Participant in a wide array of exhibitions of Polish art in Poland and abroad. Author of theoretical texts about neoavant-garde art. Kwiek is also a poet and a performer. In 1973, Kwiek graduated from the Leon Schiller National Higher School of Film, Television and Theatre PWSFTviT in Łódź, Department of Direction of Photography and Television Production.Lecturer at the PWSTTviF in Łódź and the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (in 1977–1978), Head of the Photography Department of the newspaper ”Życie Warszawy” (1991). Lives and works in Warsaw.Affiliation: Polish Filmmakers Association, creative group Works