Peace of Pressburg (1491)

The second Peace of Pressburg (also known as the Treaty of Pressburg) was a peace treaty concluded in Pressburg (then known as Pozsony in Hungarian and now as Bratislava, Slovakia) that brought a resolution to the earlier Austrian-Hungarian War (1477-1488). It was signed on 7 November 1491 between Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I and King Vladislaus II of Bohemia and Hungary. Under this agreement, Vladislaus renounced his claim on Lower Austria and agreed that Maximilian should succeed to the Hungarian crown if Vladislaus left no legitimate male issue. Vladislaus did have a son in 1506, however, so this condition had no effect.

Peace of Pressburg (1491)

The second Peace of Pressburg (also known as the Treaty of Pressburg) was a peace treaty concluded in Pressburg (then known as Pozsony in Hungarian and now as Bratislava, Slovakia) that brought a resolution to the earlier Austrian-Hungarian War (1477-1488). It was signed on 7 November 1491 between Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I and King Vladislaus II of Bohemia and Hungary. Under this agreement, Vladislaus renounced his claim on Lower Austria and agreed that Maximilian should succeed to the Hungarian crown if Vladislaus left no legitimate male issue. Vladislaus did have a son in 1506, however, so this condition had no effect.