Pepper Ann

Pepper Ann is an American animated series created by Sue Rose and aired on ABC. It debuted on September 13, 1997, and ended on November 18, 2000. It also aired on Toon Disney until 2005. Pepper Ann was the very first animated television series for Disney to be produced in association with Mandeville Films and created by a woman, followed 15 years later by Star vs. the Forces of Evil (created by Daron Nefcy). Tom Warburton, who later created Cartoon Network's Codename: Kids Next Door, serves as the lead character designer for the series.

Pepper Ann

Pepper Ann is an American animated series created by Sue Rose and aired on ABC. It debuted on September 13, 1997, and ended on November 18, 2000. It also aired on Toon Disney until 2005. Pepper Ann was the very first animated television series for Disney to be produced in association with Mandeville Films and created by a woman, followed 15 years later by Star vs. the Forces of Evil (created by Daron Nefcy). Tom Warburton, who later created Cartoon Network's Codename: Kids Next Door, serves as the lead character designer for the series.