Peruvian rock

New trends like British Merseybeat and American surf became popular. A number of Peruvian bands built a loyal audience. Among them, Los Saicos who fusioned psychedelic rock, garage rock and surf, Los York's, Los Jaguars, Los Silvertons, Los Belkings, Los Doltons and Los Shains who featured rock guitar hero Pico Ego-Aguirre (later at Pax), as well as Traffic Sound, the first Peruvian supergroup, merging core players from Los Hang Ten's with other important musicians.

Peruvian rock

New trends like British Merseybeat and American surf became popular. A number of Peruvian bands built a loyal audience. Among them, Los Saicos who fusioned psychedelic rock, garage rock and surf, Los York's, Los Jaguars, Los Silvertons, Los Belkings, Los Doltons and Los Shains who featured rock guitar hero Pico Ego-Aguirre (later at Pax), as well as Traffic Sound, the first Peruvian supergroup, merging core players from Los Hang Ten's with other important musicians.