Pete Boone, Private Eye

Pete Boone, Private Eye is an Australian crime comedy television series created and produced by David Murdoch. The show originally aired on Channel 31, before moving to Aurora on Foxtel. It tells the story of Pete Boone, "Australia’s worst detective" who never correctly solves a case. The series is set in a fictional version West Pennant Hills, called "West Pennant Falls". The show currently stars Will Seaman as Pete Boone: he is the sixth actor to lead as the titular character. The show has a cult status, and the 1001st televised episode aired on Aurora on 14th December 2014.

Pete Boone, Private Eye

Pete Boone, Private Eye is an Australian crime comedy television series created and produced by David Murdoch. The show originally aired on Channel 31, before moving to Aurora on Foxtel. It tells the story of Pete Boone, "Australia’s worst detective" who never correctly solves a case. The series is set in a fictional version West Pennant Hills, called "West Pennant Falls". The show currently stars Will Seaman as Pete Boone: he is the sixth actor to lead as the titular character. The show has a cult status, and the 1001st televised episode aired on Aurora on 14th December 2014.