
Petkim (Turkish: Petkim Petrokimya Holding A.Ş.) is the leading petrochemical company of Turkey. Founded on April 3, 1965, the main plant complex is located in Yarımca, Izmit. From 1985 on a second complex has been constructed in Aliağa, İzmir. Petkim is listed on the Istanbul Stock Exchange. Petlim is a container port currently being built near the town of Aliağa.


Petkim (Turkish: Petkim Petrokimya Holding A.Ş.) is the leading petrochemical company of Turkey. Founded on April 3, 1965, the main plant complex is located in Yarımca, Izmit. From 1985 on a second complex has been constructed in Aliağa, İzmir. Petkim is listed on the Istanbul Stock Exchange. Petlim is a container port currently being built near the town of Aliağa.