
Pikmin (Japanese: ピクミン Hepburn: Pikumin) is a real-time strategy video game developed and published by Nintendo for the GameCube in 2001. It was created and produced by Shigeru Miyamoto, and is the first game in the Pikmin series. The player controls Captain Olimar, an alien who crash-lands on a mysterious planet. Olimar befriends creatures he calls "pikmin", and utilizes their abilities to collect the missing parts of his spaceship he lost during the crash. The player has 30 days to recover the pieces and repair the ship.


Pikmin (Japanese: ピクミン Hepburn: Pikumin) is a real-time strategy video game developed and published by Nintendo for the GameCube in 2001. It was created and produced by Shigeru Miyamoto, and is the first game in the Pikmin series. The player controls Captain Olimar, an alien who crash-lands on a mysterious planet. Olimar befriends creatures he calls "pikmin", and utilizes their abilities to collect the missing parts of his spaceship he lost during the crash. The player has 30 days to recover the pieces and repair the ship.