Plug Power

Plug Power designs and manufactures fuel cell systems that replace conventional batteries in equipment powered by electricity. Indoor forklifts were their first viable market with customers such as Nike, BMW, WalMart, Home Depot, Mercedes, Kroger, and Whole Foods. The Plug Power GenDrive system integrates fuel cells manufactured by both Plug Power and Ballard Power and incorporates a hydrogen storage system that allows the system to "recharge" in a matter of minutes as opposed to a matter of hours for conventional batteries. Two main benefits exist for hydrogen powered forklifts vs traditionally used lead acid batteries. 1) Hydrogen can be re-filled in a few minutes vs lead acid battery change out time of 20-30 minutes. 2) Hydrogen powered forklifts run at a constant steady power compared

Plug Power

Plug Power designs and manufactures fuel cell systems that replace conventional batteries in equipment powered by electricity. Indoor forklifts were their first viable market with customers such as Nike, BMW, WalMart, Home Depot, Mercedes, Kroger, and Whole Foods. The Plug Power GenDrive system integrates fuel cells manufactured by both Plug Power and Ballard Power and incorporates a hydrogen storage system that allows the system to "recharge" in a matter of minutes as opposed to a matter of hours for conventional batteries. Two main benefits exist for hydrogen powered forklifts vs traditionally used lead acid batteries. 1) Hydrogen can be re-filled in a few minutes vs lead acid battery change out time of 20-30 minutes. 2) Hydrogen powered forklifts run at a constant steady power compared