Polygonal fort

A polygonal fort is a fortification in the style that appeared in the end of the eighteenth century and evolved around the middle of the nineteenth century, in response to the development of powerful explosive shells. The complex and sophisticated designs of star forts that preceded them were highly effective against cannon assault, but proved much less effective against the more accurate fire of rifled guns and the destructive power of explosive shells. The polygonal style of fortification is also described as a "flankless fort". Their low profile makes them easy to overlook.

Polygonal fort

A polygonal fort is a fortification in the style that appeared in the end of the eighteenth century and evolved around the middle of the nineteenth century, in response to the development of powerful explosive shells. The complex and sophisticated designs of star forts that preceded them were highly effective against cannon assault, but proved much less effective against the more accurate fire of rifled guns and the destructive power of explosive shells. The polygonal style of fortification is also described as a "flankless fort". Their low profile makes them easy to overlook.