Popular Defence Forces

The Popular Defence Forces is a paramilitary force of Sudan established by the 1989 Popular Defence Forces Act. Whilst a part of Sudan's military under international law due to being created by statute, the force is defined by the 1989 Act as being a semi-military force to be formed from Sudanese citizens. The force has close links with the National Islamic Front, and was originally formed as a dedicated Islamist militia. The force now largely operates as a reserve force for the Sudanese Armed Forces.

Popular Defence Forces

The Popular Defence Forces is a paramilitary force of Sudan established by the 1989 Popular Defence Forces Act. Whilst a part of Sudan's military under international law due to being created by statute, the force is defined by the 1989 Act as being a semi-military force to be formed from Sudanese citizens. The force has close links with the National Islamic Front, and was originally formed as a dedicated Islamist militia. The force now largely operates as a reserve force for the Sudanese Armed Forces.