Porto Rafael

The small resort of Porto Rafael was founded on the North Eastern coast of Sardinia, Italy, by Raphael Neville, Count of Berlanga de Duero, in the late 1950s. (see Obituary in Corriere della Sera archives, Page 17, 4 December 1996). Neville was an artist, and the son of Edgar Neville the Hollywood film director, playwright and novelist who became close friends with Charlie Chaplin and Mary Pickford (see book, Il Viaggio Americano, p. 107, by Ignacio Martinez de Pison). Raphael Neville's maternal family were Spanish aristocrats; his grandmother Maria Romree Y Palacios was a lady in waiting in the Spanish court and the family title was inherited through the male line from her. ( ). His mother Angeles Rubio Arguelles y Allessandri was founding patron of a theatre in Malaga, Spain, named Teatr

Porto Rafael

The small resort of Porto Rafael was founded on the North Eastern coast of Sardinia, Italy, by Raphael Neville, Count of Berlanga de Duero, in the late 1950s. (see Obituary in Corriere della Sera archives, Page 17, 4 December 1996). Neville was an artist, and the son of Edgar Neville the Hollywood film director, playwright and novelist who became close friends with Charlie Chaplin and Mary Pickford (see book, Il Viaggio Americano, p. 107, by Ignacio Martinez de Pison). Raphael Neville's maternal family were Spanish aristocrats; his grandmother Maria Romree Y Palacios was a lady in waiting in the Spanish court and the family title was inherited through the male line from her. ( ). His mother Angeles Rubio Arguelles y Allessandri was founding patron of a theatre in Malaga, Spain, named Teatr