Positive Hack Days

Positive Hack Days (PHDays) is a computer security conference held every year in Moscow. The first conference was held in 2011. The conference addresses such topics as zero-day attacks and digital investigations, cryptography and cyberwarfare, the security of a person and a state in the cyberworld. Attendance fee is required. Free tickets are available for winners of special hacking contests and for students who participated in the Positive Education program.

Positive Hack Days

Positive Hack Days (PHDays) is a computer security conference held every year in Moscow. The first conference was held in 2011. The conference addresses such topics as zero-day attacks and digital investigations, cryptography and cyberwarfare, the security of a person and a state in the cyberworld. Attendance fee is required. Free tickets are available for winners of special hacking contests and for students who participated in the Positive Education program.