
Premyer-Ministr (Russian: Премьер-Министр, lit. prime minister) is a Russian musical group. The idea behind the band was to form a boy band, though not especially for teenagers. Four men came together to form Premier Ministr in 1997. Their first real success came in 2000 with the remake of a very popular Russian tune, "Oriental Song". It became a huge hit in Russia. In 2005, the group members split with their producer and started independent career as Group PM, while Premier Ministr was started anew with Taras Demchuk, Sergey Demyanchuk, Amarkhuu Borkhuu, and Vasily Kireyev.


Premyer-Ministr (Russian: Премьер-Министр, lit. prime minister) is a Russian musical group. The idea behind the band was to form a boy band, though not especially for teenagers. Four men came together to form Premier Ministr in 1997. Their first real success came in 2000 with the remake of a very popular Russian tune, "Oriental Song". It became a huge hit in Russia. In 2005, the group members split with their producer and started independent career as Group PM, while Premier Ministr was started anew with Taras Demchuk, Sergey Demyanchuk, Amarkhuu Borkhuu, and Vasily Kireyev.