Prescott City Cemetery

The Prescott City Cemetery is the principal burying ground for the city of Prescott, Arkansas. It is located in the northwestern part of the city, and is roughly bisected by United States Route 371. The modern (20th-century) portion of the cemetery is located on one side of the highway, while a historic section, also known as the De Ann Cemetery Historic Section, is located on the other. The historic section dates to not long after the 1874 founding of Prescott, and was formally conveyed to the city for that purpose in 1880. Slightly more than 4 acres (1.6 ha) in size, the cemetery is divided into a section for whites, containing more than 600 known graves, and a section for African Americans, which has 95 marked graves, but is also known to contain a large number of unmarked graves. Many

Prescott City Cemetery

The Prescott City Cemetery is the principal burying ground for the city of Prescott, Arkansas. It is located in the northwestern part of the city, and is roughly bisected by United States Route 371. The modern (20th-century) portion of the cemetery is located on one side of the highway, while a historic section, also known as the De Ann Cemetery Historic Section, is located on the other. The historic section dates to not long after the 1874 founding of Prescott, and was formally conveyed to the city for that purpose in 1880. Slightly more than 4 acres (1.6 ha) in size, the cemetery is divided into a section for whites, containing more than 600 known graves, and a section for African Americans, which has 95 marked graves, but is also known to contain a large number of unmarked graves. Many