Prison Ball

Prison Ball is a 2004 American documentary film directed by Jason Moriarty and written by Jeff Scheftel. The 90-minute film is narrated by Ice-T. Prison Ball is about prison basketball as practiced by prisoners within prison walls. The documentary interviews various inmates and prison officials and specialists on the matter and tackles as well "prison basketball leagues" operating within prison systems. It focuses on four Louisiana state prison teams, it was shot mainly in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States.

Prison Ball

Prison Ball is a 2004 American documentary film directed by Jason Moriarty and written by Jeff Scheftel. The 90-minute film is narrated by Ice-T. Prison Ball is about prison basketball as practiced by prisoners within prison walls. The documentary interviews various inmates and prison officials and specialists on the matter and tackles as well "prison basketball leagues" operating within prison systems. It focuses on four Louisiana state prison teams, it was shot mainly in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States.