Producers Sales Organization

Producers Sales Organization was an independent production/sales company founded in 1977. Initiated by Mark Damon, an actor-turned-producer, PSO (its otherwise known moniker) largely handled foreign sales of independent films. It was initially was a partnership between Damon, producer Sandy Howard, and Richard St. Johns, who worked for Arthur Guinness Son & Co. At one point, it was a subsidiary of Guinness. In its final years of existence, PSO briefly became a full-fledged production company. Among the most notable films PSO represented or financed include:

Producers Sales Organization

Producers Sales Organization was an independent production/sales company founded in 1977. Initiated by Mark Damon, an actor-turned-producer, PSO (its otherwise known moniker) largely handled foreign sales of independent films. It was initially was a partnership between Damon, producer Sandy Howard, and Richard St. Johns, who worked for Arthur Guinness Son & Co. At one point, it was a subsidiary of Guinness. In its final years of existence, PSO briefly became a full-fledged production company. Among the most notable films PSO represented or financed include: