Professor Molchanov

Professor Molchanov is an Akademik Shuleykin-class ice-strengthened vessel, built in Finland for the Soviet Union. Launched on 28 December 1982, she was named after Pavel Molchanov, radiosonde inventor, on his 90th anniversary. Between 26 January 1983 and 7 September 1991, the ship was used for polar and oceanographic research. She made 34 research cruises as a Soviet research vessel, including three global hydrology expeditions held by Murmansk Hydrometeorological Administration:

Professor Molchanov

Professor Molchanov is an Akademik Shuleykin-class ice-strengthened vessel, built in Finland for the Soviet Union. Launched on 28 December 1982, she was named after Pavel Molchanov, radiosonde inventor, on his 90th anniversary. Between 26 January 1983 and 7 September 1991, the ship was used for polar and oceanographic research. She made 34 research cruises as a Soviet research vessel, including three global hydrology expeditions held by Murmansk Hydrometeorological Administration: