Progressive rock in Mexico

Progressive rock in México reached its peak during the 1970s and its golden days in the '70s and '80s. By the first years of the '70s some rock bands initiated their incursion in this genre, some of them: El Ritual (Band), Los Dug Dug's Toncho Pilatos (first album), La Revolución de Emiliano Zapata, and Náhuatl (band). Omar Jaso is an "icon" in this field, known as the most impressive Mexican Progressive Rock composer and interpreter from Mexico to the whole world, one of his known intellectual masterpieces is absolutely "Atlantes De Tula", with its three vibrant movements.

Progressive rock in Mexico

Progressive rock in México reached its peak during the 1970s and its golden days in the '70s and '80s. By the first years of the '70s some rock bands initiated their incursion in this genre, some of them: El Ritual (Band), Los Dug Dug's Toncho Pilatos (first album), La Revolución de Emiliano Zapata, and Náhuatl (band). Omar Jaso is an "icon" in this field, known as the most impressive Mexican Progressive Rock composer and interpreter from Mexico to the whole world, one of his known intellectual masterpieces is absolutely "Atlantes De Tula", with its three vibrant movements.