Quebec-New York Economic Summit

The Quebec-New York Economic Summit is a quasi-annual economic summit held between the State of New York in the United States and the Province of Quebec in Canada. The bi-annual summits were called for in the Quebec-New York Corridor Agreement, signed in 2001 by the Plattsburgh-North Country Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Chambers of Commerce of Quebec. This partnership was then embraced by the Quebec and New York State governments, creating a private-public partnership that endeavors to broaden and deepen economic connectivity between Quebec and New York, with a special focus on the bi-national corridor region from Quebec City and Montreal through Plattsburgh to Albany and New York City. The first Quebec-New York Economic Summit was conducted in Plattsburgh, New York in 2002 an

Quebec-New York Economic Summit

The Quebec-New York Economic Summit is a quasi-annual economic summit held between the State of New York in the United States and the Province of Quebec in Canada. The bi-annual summits were called for in the Quebec-New York Corridor Agreement, signed in 2001 by the Plattsburgh-North Country Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Chambers of Commerce of Quebec. This partnership was then embraced by the Quebec and New York State governments, creating a private-public partnership that endeavors to broaden and deepen economic connectivity between Quebec and New York, with a special focus on the bi-national corridor region from Quebec City and Montreal through Plattsburgh to Albany and New York City. The first Quebec-New York Economic Summit was conducted in Plattsburgh, New York in 2002 an