Rajasthani Muslims

The term Rajasthani Muslims is usually used to signify Muslims from the state of Rajasthan in the north-western part of India, speaking Hindi and Urdu combined. Indian Muslims like all other Muslims offer namaaz five times a day (i.e., Fazr, Johar, Asr, Magribh, Isha) facing towards Kibla/Kaaba (masjid al haram) which is west of Rajasthan. Rajasthani muslims are also punctual of Ramadan, Zakaat (charity given by well established muslims to poors which is a basic concept of islam) and hajj.

Rajasthani Muslims

The term Rajasthani Muslims is usually used to signify Muslims from the state of Rajasthan in the north-western part of India, speaking Hindi and Urdu combined. Indian Muslims like all other Muslims offer namaaz five times a day (i.e., Fazr, Johar, Asr, Magribh, Isha) facing towards Kibla/Kaaba (masjid al haram) which is west of Rajasthan. Rajasthani muslims are also punctual of Ramadan, Zakaat (charity given by well established muslims to poors which is a basic concept of islam) and hajj.