Red Canyon (2008 film)

Red Canyon is a 2008 film by writer/producer Laura Pratt and writer/director Giovanni Rodriguez. Red Canyon was filmed in the badlands of Utah in 2007 and stars Norman Reedus, Justin Hartley, and Christine Lakin The film is also notable for the controversial ending and as the debut film of Puerto Rican director Giovanni Rodriguez, the stepson of well-known artist Antonio Martorell.

Red Canyon (2008 film)

Red Canyon is a 2008 film by writer/producer Laura Pratt and writer/director Giovanni Rodriguez. Red Canyon was filmed in the badlands of Utah in 2007 and stars Norman Reedus, Justin Hartley, and Christine Lakin The film is also notable for the controversial ending and as the debut film of Puerto Rican director Giovanni Rodriguez, the stepson of well-known artist Antonio Martorell.