Religious symbol

A religious symbol is an iconic representation intended to represent a specific religion, or a specific concept within a given religion. The Christian cross has traditionally been a symbol representing Christianity or Christendom as a whole. Since the late 20th century, there have been efforts to design, the United States military chaplain symbols were limited to Christian and Jewish symbolism before the 1990s.In 1990, they were expanded by a wheel of dharma to represent Buddhism, and in 1992 by a crescent moon to represent Islam. Use of an Aum symbol representing Hinduism was in planning as of 2011.

Religious symbol

A religious symbol is an iconic representation intended to represent a specific religion, or a specific concept within a given religion. The Christian cross has traditionally been a symbol representing Christianity or Christendom as a whole. Since the late 20th century, there have been efforts to design, the United States military chaplain symbols were limited to Christian and Jewish symbolism before the 1990s.In 1990, they were expanded by a wheel of dharma to represent Buddhism, and in 1992 by a crescent moon to represent Islam. Use of an Aum symbol representing Hinduism was in planning as of 2011.