Religious symbolism in U.S. sports team names and mascots

The following is a list of American sports team names and mascots that draw upon religious symbolism. Given the prevalence of Christian groups and institutions in the United States, the vast majority of these symbols, though entirely generic, can be assumed to come from Christian sources. However, teams deriving their image from symbols belonging to other systems of religious and pseudo-religious belief have also been included, and where a lack of symbolic representation in the sports world is conspicuous—as with Jewish teams and organizations—there follows discussion as to why.

Religious symbolism in U.S. sports team names and mascots

The following is a list of American sports team names and mascots that draw upon religious symbolism. Given the prevalence of Christian groups and institutions in the United States, the vast majority of these symbols, though entirely generic, can be assumed to come from Christian sources. However, teams deriving their image from symbols belonging to other systems of religious and pseudo-religious belief have also been included, and where a lack of symbolic representation in the sports world is conspicuous—as with Jewish teams and organizations—there follows discussion as to why.