Repurposing (broadcasting)

Repurposing refers to a television industry practice in which content providers negotiate deals that allow a series to earn additional revenue during its original run. This is made possible by airing the series multiple times on the broadcast network which licensed it, or airing it concurrently on a cable network. As a result, the window between original run and syndication is shortened dramatically. Repurposing was the first significant adaptation of industry distribution practice since the advent of cable.

Repurposing (broadcasting)

Repurposing refers to a television industry practice in which content providers negotiate deals that allow a series to earn additional revenue during its original run. This is made possible by airing the series multiple times on the broadcast network which licensed it, or airing it concurrently on a cable network. As a result, the window between original run and syndication is shortened dramatically. Repurposing was the first significant adaptation of industry distribution practice since the advent of cable.