Reserved and excepted matters

In the United Kingdom reserved matters and excepted matters are the areas of government policy where the UK Parliament had kept the power (jurisdiction) to make laws (legislate) in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Each of these countries has been granted devolution within the UK; therefore some power has been delegated to them from the central government at Westminster and some has been withheld. In Wales, by contrast, a list of matters is explicitly devolved to the National Assembly for Wales and any matter not listed in the Act is implicitly reserved to Westminster.

Reserved and excepted matters

In the United Kingdom reserved matters and excepted matters are the areas of government policy where the UK Parliament had kept the power (jurisdiction) to make laws (legislate) in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Each of these countries has been granted devolution within the UK; therefore some power has been delegated to them from the central government at Westminster and some has been withheld. In Wales, by contrast, a list of matters is explicitly devolved to the National Assembly for Wales and any matter not listed in the Act is implicitly reserved to Westminster.