
Resistiré (International Title: Forever Julia) is a 2003 Argentine telenovela. This serial features a gorgeous woman torn between her terrorist fiancee and a handsome tailor. It starred Pablo Echarri, Celeste Cid, Carolina Fal and Fabián Vena. Resistiré was a major hit on Argentinian television. It dared to introduce new elements in the genre of telenovela and was well accepted by the audience, setting a new standard in TV. In 2004, the telenovela won the Martín Fierro Award as the best show of the year, along with many other awards.


Resistiré (International Title: Forever Julia) is a 2003 Argentine telenovela. This serial features a gorgeous woman torn between her terrorist fiancee and a handsome tailor. It starred Pablo Echarri, Celeste Cid, Carolina Fal and Fabián Vena. Resistiré was a major hit on Argentinian television. It dared to introduce new elements in the genre of telenovela and was well accepted by the audience, setting a new standard in TV. In 2004, the telenovela won the Martín Fierro Award as the best show of the year, along with many other awards.