Reuters Market Light

RML Information Services Pvt. Ltd. (RML) formerly known as Reuters Market Light is a business selling Information and communications technology to farmers. The service is designed to provide farmers with personalised agricultural information from pre-sowing to post-harvest stages through SMS on their mobile phones in their local language. About 1.4 million Indian farmers from an estimated 50,000 villages have used this service across 18 states. Through sharing among farmers, it is estimated to have reached 5 million farmers. RML covers over 450 crop and crop varieties and more than 1300 markets. With this service, individual farmers gained up to INR 200,000 ($4000) of additional profits, and savings of nearly INR 400,000 ($8000), marking a significant return on their investment.

Reuters Market Light

RML Information Services Pvt. Ltd. (RML) formerly known as Reuters Market Light is a business selling Information and communications technology to farmers. The service is designed to provide farmers with personalised agricultural information from pre-sowing to post-harvest stages through SMS on their mobile phones in their local language. About 1.4 million Indian farmers from an estimated 50,000 villages have used this service across 18 states. Through sharing among farmers, it is estimated to have reached 5 million farmers. RML covers over 450 crop and crop varieties and more than 1300 markets. With this service, individual farmers gained up to INR 200,000 ($4000) of additional profits, and savings of nearly INR 400,000 ($8000), marking a significant return on their investment.