Revolutionary Communist Party of Turkey

Revolutionary Communist Party of Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye Devrimci Komünist Partisi, TDKP) is a clandestine communist party in Turkey. TDKP considers itself to be the continuation of the People's Liberation Army of Turkey (in Turkish: Türkiye Halk Kurtuluş Ordusu, THKO). The THKO Conference gathered in October 1978. It changed the name of the organisation to that of Revolutionary Communist Party of Turkey - Construction Organisation (TDKP-İÖ short for İnşa Örgütü). The split with the pro-Soviet line of the THKO, called Mücadelede Birlik ('Unity in Struggle') in 1974 is also shown as its roots. Between 1976 and 1979 the followers of THKO gathered around a legal publication called Halkın Kurtuluşu (People's Liberation) and are often known by that name. THKO passed through two splits, Bes Par

Revolutionary Communist Party of Turkey

Revolutionary Communist Party of Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye Devrimci Komünist Partisi, TDKP) is a clandestine communist party in Turkey. TDKP considers itself to be the continuation of the People's Liberation Army of Turkey (in Turkish: Türkiye Halk Kurtuluş Ordusu, THKO). The THKO Conference gathered in October 1978. It changed the name of the organisation to that of Revolutionary Communist Party of Turkey - Construction Organisation (TDKP-İÖ short for İnşa Örgütü). The split with the pro-Soviet line of the THKO, called Mücadelede Birlik ('Unity in Struggle') in 1974 is also shown as its roots. Between 1976 and 1979 the followers of THKO gathered around a legal publication called Halkın Kurtuluşu (People's Liberation) and are often known by that name. THKO passed through two splits, Bes Par