Ricercate, passaggi et cadentie

Ricercate, passaggi et cadentie per potersi essercitar nel diminuir terminatamente con ogni sorte d’istrumento; et anco diversi passaggi per la semplice voce (Ricercars, passages and cadences to facilitate practicing accomplished diminutions on all kinds of instruments; and also various passages for just the voice) is a didactic work written by Giovanni Bassano. It was first published in 1585 and was one of the few works that Bassano wrote under the tutelage of Giovanni Gabrieli.

Ricercate, passaggi et cadentie

Ricercate, passaggi et cadentie per potersi essercitar nel diminuir terminatamente con ogni sorte d’istrumento; et anco diversi passaggi per la semplice voce (Ricercars, passages and cadences to facilitate practicing accomplished diminutions on all kinds of instruments; and also various passages for just the voice) is a didactic work written by Giovanni Bassano. It was first published in 1585 and was one of the few works that Bassano wrote under the tutelage of Giovanni Gabrieli.