Robin Farmanfarmaian

Robin Farmanfarmaian is a medical futurist, entrepreneur, bestselling author, and professional speaker. She is the author of The Patient as CEO: How Technology Empowers the Healthcare Consumer, an education tool and resource for healthcare professionals, the tech industry and patients. Farmanfarmaian is the President of Robin Starbuck, a firm specializing in business development, sponsorship strategy and conversion, high end sales, speaking and presenting on medical technology, advising early and mid stage startup companies, negotiating and managing high-profile tier-1 global speakers in technology for various conferences, speaking engagements and appearances.

Robin Farmanfarmaian

Robin Farmanfarmaian is a medical futurist, entrepreneur, bestselling author, and professional speaker. She is the author of The Patient as CEO: How Technology Empowers the Healthcare Consumer, an education tool and resource for healthcare professionals, the tech industry and patients. Farmanfarmaian is the President of Robin Starbuck, a firm specializing in business development, sponsorship strategy and conversion, high end sales, speaking and presenting on medical technology, advising early and mid stage startup companies, negotiating and managing high-profile tier-1 global speakers in technology for various conferences, speaking engagements and appearances.